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It has been 15 years of :
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Anniversary
Monday, December 24, 2007
Hap...pening Penang!
Dah nak masuk tiga malam Mak Ljah sekeluarga berada di Pulau Pinang (or easier to say "Penang") for our much awaited end-of year holidays.
Last year at this point of time, Mak Lijah dan Pak Lijah were in LA. Baru balik dari Universal Studio and looking for tempat makan yang "sesuai". By that time, nafsu makan dah tertutup sebab dah tak ada selera langsung dengan makanan barat (masa tu dah dekat 10 hari away from Malaysia, on my way back from Venezuela). I missed nasi and sambal tumis. I missed nasi goreng kampung, asam pedas, ikan puyu pekasam, teh tarik, bla...bla...bla...
Back to Penang...
Bila berada di hotel ni on the Christmas eve (di pinggir pantai), rasa pelik yang amat sangat dengan lautan manusia bertopi merah yang membuat bising, menjerit-jerit, diiringi bunyi muzik yang amat kuat (we are on the 17th floor).
Jalan kat depan hotel tu memang dah jammed yang amat perit dengan manusia yang menyembur buih sabun (yang diperasankan sebagai snow) ke atas kereta yang terpaksa dipandu ultra perlahan dek lautan manusia di atas jalan yang tidak memkirkan keselamatan sendiri... Yang teruk tu, tulis perkataan-perkataan lucah pulak. Kesian pemandu kereta yang tak boleh nak buat apa-apa sebab takut dengan lautan manusia yang macam tak boleh mengawal diri.
Apa nak jadi daa... Ke... aku yang perak?
Pendek kata, happening betul lah kat Penang sekarang ni...
Macam-macam pe'el manusia.
Nak sangat tiru barat, sampai over lah pulak. Kat LA pun tak der kejadian-kejadian pelik macam ni. Orang putih tak lah behave macam ni.
Apa nak jadi daa... Ke... aku yang perak?
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Breaking News
It's finally here. The announcement was made through a third party. So how am I supposed to feel? Dissapointed? Confused? All in?
The news is that Putihah has finally decided to go back to Indonesia for good in August next year when her permit is due.
She said she was going to Johor to marry, yesterday. But the sms today said that she had forgotten her passport and that the ceremony will now be in Kajang at her adik's house. Previously she told Kak Ani that her Kakak lives in Kajang. And what has her passport got to do with the akad nikah? They all have KPT don't they?
What's new in her dongeng story?
(By the way, we are all in Santan since Wednesday.)
Anyway, we have to be prepared for her depature, next year. First I have to brain wash Kakak and Danisy about the situation. They have known Kak Putihah almost all their life. It would be strange for them I supposed, for the first few months. Then I would have to brain wash our new maid about the house chores not as to be that of Putihah's.
Now about this future maid-to-be. For the past two days, we've had two "part-time" maids who came to our house to help with the house chores. They worked like machines! No need to tell them what to do, they just clean-up the whole house like they've lived here forever. Now, that's the kind of maid I want to have. I'd probably use the agency in getting one next year. But how do I know if I'd get a good one? Macam beli loteri kan?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Rumpun Bak Serai
Junjung bak sireh
Tapi sekarang ni Mak Lijah amat kurang selesa dengan frasa berikutnya:
Itu lah kita di Nusantara
Menurut Wikipedia (and it is most likely true) :
Nusantara is a geographical concept of Indonesia which refers to all Indonesian regions from Sabang until Merauke. The word Nusantara was taken from an oath by Gajah Mada written on a Javanese old manuscript of Negarakertagama.
So what's this about irama Nusantara? Has it any elements of Malaysia? Dulu hot sekejap this so-called irama Nusantara bila M. Nasir composed Mustika. And then there's Sheqal's Cinta Nusantara and suddenly Manan Ngah has a "Nusantara" as his middle name.
Just forget about Nusantara. Forget it because WE ARE NOT FROM NUSANTARA. Don't compose anymore songs that says it is irama Nusantara. Let them have it all. Let's just have irama Malaysia.
Dangkalnya! Apa lagi yang kita ambil dari dia? Udara tak nak claim? Air hujan tak nak tuntut? Awan berarak tak nak digapai? Bintang-bintang tu... pergilah amik, simpan dalam lemari nkorang.
Batu-batu kecil yang kat pantai Johor sana or mana-manalah persisiran pantai di Malaysia ni, partially mungkin datang dari tempat diorang, kan? Tak nak saman ke?
What are we going to do with the batu-batu yang mengikut ombak laut dan terdampar tu? They are going to be there for long, right? We don't even know the difference - whether they came from accross the sea, or if they've already been there for a long, long time. They just become a part of our shore. They become ours. So what are we going to do about it? Or what are THEY going to do about it?
Nanti tempe pun kena pulangkan. Not to mention pegedil, meatballs and what else? Nanti mi bandung, mi jawa semua kena tukar jadi mi Perlis, mi Kedah. Itupun kalau diorang tak claim copyrightlah.
And is anyone also going to claim dikir barat as theirs too? Oh come on... That would probably mean boria pun akan di claim by God-knows-who and would the Portuguese sue us for joget?
Protes lah...protes...
Demo lah...demo...
Itu jer cara nak cari makan...
Dapat 30,000 rupiah sorang, blah lah diorang.
Sayang wangi serainya tiada
Tinggal bau di alu lesung
Apalah serumpun tiada bermakna
Andai pekerti sudah terpasung
Saturday, December 01, 2007