Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Undiscovered Part of Me

Mak Lijah rupanya seorang yang gayat. Itu ler...Ketawakan lagi orang!

Mak Lijah pernah mengetawakan seorang kawan Mak Lijah (bekas blogger yang beralih arah ke suatu aliran lain yang juga baru dia discover) apabila dia memberitahu yang dia gayat bila dia cuba mengambil gambar dari bumbung pejabat dia dulu. Baru kini Mak Lijah betul-betul tahu apa ertinya gayat. And it took a holiday to New Zealand to discover that thing about myself.

Mak Lijah memang awal-awal lagi berminat nak melawat Skytower di Auckland tu. So as part of the Explorer package, we came down from the tour bus to 'test' the Skytower. Masa baru sampai tu, ada sekelompok manusia sedang memandang ke atas, so we assumed that something interesting was about to happen. Sambil mengambil a few shots, we waited for 'the thing' to happen. Rupa-rupanya ada orang buat skyjump, something like bungy jumping, cuma dia tak bounce back and the person will land on a platform at the foot of the tower.

After seeing that action, we went inside the tower and bought tickets to go up there. So efficient. Semuanya diorang bantu. Without anticipating anything, we went into the lift and the people who worked at the tower there pushed the button for us. And so the lift moved and I told the children that the journey up is similar to the one in KL Tower masa belanja Pak Lijah dinner on Father's Day the year before.

Tiba-tiba...whossshhh... bright light....whossshhh... bumbung layar...the sea...and suddenly I felt that we were moving very fast. But my heart was beating even faster...And whosssh... gelap balik... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???? WHAT...??? The tower actually had 'holes' for us to see outside while we go up the lift?????

...and then, it started to get brighter again..but this time I kinda prepared myself, so I turned around, screaming in silent and menyumpah-nyumpah dekat sebakul kerana decided to go up the Skytower.

About two minutes later, we all pun sampai di atas... Legaaa....

Mujurlah pemandangan yang cantik di atas tu cepat-cepat memulihkan semangat Mak Lijah. Fuuhhh.... However, Mak Lijah stayed far, far away from the glass windows sebab tak sanggup nak tengok. Sambil berjalan-jalan dengan Kakak, tiba-tiba dia kata, "Mama... cuba tengok lantai yang Mama pijak." Innocently, Mak Lijahpun tengokler ke lantai tempat Mak Lijah pijak tu. APA TU...? Tiny dots...and they are moving WHAT THE... OH MY GOD...!!! Glass floor... and the floor was moving as my knees started to move along. Kenapa lembik lutut nih... I need to sit...! I need to sit...!!!

Alahai.... Gayat rupanya aku nih...

After awhile, we decided that it's time to go back. Dah puas and gayat yang melampau telah meletihkan Mak Lijah. So we waited for the lift and went it came, we got in and Mak Lijah awal-awal lagi pusing ke belakang dan to confirm yang Mak Lijah tak akan dapat memandang ke luar lagi macam tadi, Mak Lijah terus pandang ke lantai saja. Ada beberapa orang Jepun bersama kami dalam lif tersebut dan mereka seakan mengerti situasi Mak Lijah. Bila lif mula bergerak, Mak Lijah mula menghitung saat untuk sampai ke bawah.

Tiba-tiba... that bright light again... Oh no...!!! Glass floor...!!! S**T...!!! ...and whoosshhh.... cables...huge cables...they move up as we go down...really fast...and there's a black dot down there...the hole we were moving down into... and my heart was leaping out...This is not good... NOT GOOD AT ALL... and Mak Lijah dah sampai tahap dewa dah nak control macho... Huwaaaa....!!! The Japs were laughing at me... not to exclude my children and Pak Lijah... Huwaaa......!!!!

That's it...! Enough...!! No more towers...No more towers 'with holes'.
So that was the undiscovered part of me.
Gayat rupanya aku nih...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Auckland's Skytower

This was where I discovered something about myself which was unknowingly hidden over the years. Hmm...
See the little black dot to the left of the building? Itu adalah sejenis manusia yang sedang mengkaji aliran adrenalinnya.
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Masa baru sampai di kaki Skytower

Apa-apapun, amik bahan bukti dulu, bahawa dah sampai ke Skytower.
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Jom Adik...!

Masa ni tak tau betul-betul lagi macamana rasanya naik lif ke atas...Cuma excited jer nak compare Skytower dengan KL Tower. Posted by Picasa

Dalam Skytower

Nice view from up here. Nampak betapa banyaknya perahu layar dari atas ni. That's why Auckland is named 'City of Sails'. Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 12, 2006

Baa..baa.. white sheep

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Tiga Bradik di Rotoroa

Di sini, budak-budak ni asyik komplen bau busuk. Mana taknya, geyser merata-rata. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

New we are..!!

First stop in Auckland : Mt. Eden Posted by Picasa

New we come..

Baru lima belas minit kapalterbang take-off, "Mama, dah nak sampai ke?"
While Danish enjoyed making funny faces sambil sebuk tanya, "...bila nak sampai ni..", Kakak and Abang were all excited to have personalised screen right in front of them with all their favorites waiting for them. Posted by Picasa

Kia Ora

At last, Mak Lijah and family menjejakkan kaki jua di bumi Kiwi ini. Setelah lebih dua dekad memendam angan-angan, maka akhirnya, pada 28 Mei 2006, tibalah Mak Lijah sekeluarga di Auckland, New Zealand.

Betul-betul macam mimpi. Banyak kali juga suruh Pak Lijah cubit Mak Lijah, kut-kut tengah mengigau. Rugilah pulak kalau memang betul tengah mimpi. Tapi pengalaman membawa anak-anak Mak Lijah menaiki pesawat untuk perjalanan selama 10 jam lebih mengerikan. Pun begitu, syukur mereka tak meragam, cuma excitednya semacam jer.

Gerimis di airport Auckland baru sahaja reda sebaik kami mendarat kira-kira pukul 10.45 pagi. Kami disapa oleh angin sejuk New Zealand pada suhu 16 darjah selsius. Budak-budak boleh tahan lagi. Relak jer diorang, macam sejuk tu biasa jer sedangkan Mak Lijah dah mula menggigil semasa mengambil gambar mereka.

Kami dibawa melawat ke Mt. Eden, sebuah bekas gunung berapi yang telah lama mati. Seperti yang diduga, pemandangannya memang indah sekali. New Zealand is rich in a variety of awesome landscapes. Seperti yang kita belajar dalam Ilmu Alam dulu, NZ has spectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, vast plains, subtropical forest, volcanic plateau, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches - all left me speechless and breathless...

Nanti sambung lagi...