Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pythagorean theorem

The relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle.

Named after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who by tradition is credited with its discovery and proof, although knowledge of the theorem almost certainly predates him.

The Pythagorean theorem: The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c). The theorem is as follows:

In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs (the two sides that meet at a right angle).

Semalam Mak Lijah tolong Abang buat revision for his Maths end-of-year examination when he got stuck at Pythagorean Theorem. Sebenarnya by now (bila dia naik form 2), Mak Lijah dah fobia sangat tengok soklan-soklan diorang sebab they are so different and more difficult than what we used to do those days in the 80's.

Dah ler tu, banyak betul perkataan-perkataan bahasa Inggeris yang 'terlupa' dan tak reti Mak Lijah nak solvekan problemsnya. Siap rujuk dictionary lagi to find out what those words actually meant.

Sebab nak control macho, Mak Lijah pun trylah ajar Abang menjawab a few of the soklan-soklan yang tak dapat dia jawab. Tapi sebelum tu, baca dulu formula-formula kat buku teks dia.

Suprisingly Mak Lijah boleh apply konsep dia and managed to help Abang to solve the soklan (bukannya susah pun). I am actually amazed with myself, sebab rasa macam dah berkarat sangat otak ni dan dah tak boleh nak stimulate especially on numbers and formulas. So Mak Lijah pun ajarlah dia a few difficult questions yang dia dah gave up saaaaaamm....pailah satu soklan tu, Mak Lijah pula yang gave up.

After a few approach dah diguna, finally Abang got it figured out by himself and he actually got the answer correctly. That's another amazement. I am so proud of him. I supposed he has improved his problem solving skill and has deeper interest in Maths (fooohh..!), at last. As a bonus, Mak Lijah suh dia tidur dah lepas tu (it was nearly 11 pm dah) and I said that he can survive tomorrow's (today) examination, insha Allah.

Since the Maths "stimulation" tu, I was unable to sleep last night. My brain was so activated that I could only see the formula. To add to that, masa sahur tadi, tengok NUMB3RS plak.... Adehhh...


Ayah said...

Selamat Beraya Mak Lijah.. Maap zahir batin... jangan stimulated sangat berhari raya ni..pandu cermat jiwa selamat....

Anonymous said...

Kalau dah nampak numbers je. Boleh kira bilangan biri-biri tu ...

Eddie Putera said...

slamat hari raya mak lijah..