Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Today was a sad day. I was supposed to be spending the day in pleasure which include cooking a complete meal for the breaking of fast. But the sad news came at about 11.00 am today and the whole family mourned the loss.

Someone we knew, who came into our lives some nine years ago, passed away at 6.20 am today, the fourth day of Ramadhan. She has been in coma for almost three months after an accident which should not have happened, and today, her sufferings ended. I never thought that she would leave us so soon or in fact leave us at all. But she has lost her fighting will although she was already showing some improvements. She lost the battle to lack of moral support and encouragement to live.

When she's around, we didn't really notice her because she was like part of our family, part of our lives. Now that she's really gone that we felt the missing portion of our routine. She won't be there anymore to help us whenever I wanted to organise a gathering. And this Ramadhan would be different without her helping us baking the cookies for Hari Raya. Putihah missed her dearly. So does my neighbour.

Semoga dosa-dosa beliau diampun dan semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. Al Fatihah.


Anonymous said...

who was she?

Ayah said...

Al fatihah ... tapi nak di beri kepada siapa?

MakLijah coti semlam ye?

Anonymous said...

Siapa dia? Al fatihah juga untuknya