Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dah lama rupanya tak update. Tak payahlah nak bagi alasan, kan? Sebab alasan tu boleh di copy paste jer dari postings yang lalu. Standard je alasan tu.

Selepas "dilepaskan" untuk pergi berkursus di Langkawi, Mak Lijah pergi pulak ke Pulau Temasik seisi keluarga. Tak sangka boleh "island hop" within seven days. Seronok juga.

Flying back to KL from Langkawi was calmer sebab tak hujan. Kalau tak... nak minum pun susah. Alhamdulillah... Dengan cuaca yang tak menentu, hujan lebat dan ribut petir hari-hari, gusar juga setiap kali nak take-off, akhirnya selamat juga landing...

Sampai-sampai saja di KLIA, ada kezutan. Jeng...jeng..jeng... I don't know whether I liked it or not but it actually spoilt my anxiety.

Sampai kat rumah, mandi, solat, dinner, terus jer packing baju anak-anak.

Tidur dalam keletihan dan rasa kurang sedap badan.

Esoknya, tepat pukul 7.30 pagi.. berderumlah MPV kami menuju ke PLUS. Trafik tak sibuk. Perjalanan atas highway sangat lancar. Budak-budak sempat jugalah breakfast sikit-sikit tadi tapi by 9.00, diorang dah complain lapar. He..he..he...

So we stopped at one of the R&Rs (tak ingat kat mana). Puuu...nyalah ramai orang.. sampai tak ada tempat duduk. So we decided to go to one of the cafes yang hanya ada sandwiches saja. Tak apalah, asalkan perut beralas.

By 11.20, kami dah sampai tol Sedenak. Budak-budak dah excited sebab nak tinggalkan Malaysia, macamlah nak pergi to another planet. We had a wonderful lunch kat one Indonesian restaurant in JB before we went off accross the tambak. Proses imigresen pun tak lama and the journey took only about 40 minutes, all in, from JB to the hotel. Not bad, eh? Sebenarnya masa orang imigresen to nak check kami tadi tu, Mak Lijah tertidur with the sunglasses on. And this guy didnt know that. He thought I was being stubborn or something. Mak Lijah sedar bila Kakak kejutkan, "Mama, buka spek lah.." Oh, termalu sekejap.

By 2.00 pm we checked in-to Hyatt Singapore kat Scotts Road. Letaknya 20 meter dari Stamford Road. Hmm... Ring a bell, anyone?

Walaupun it looked cloudy dan ada potensi untuk hujan, Mak Lijah ajak juga budak-budak tu pergi ke Zoo sebab it would not be too hot since it was a bit cloudy that day. Sampai jer di Zoo, bought the tickets dan bermulalah our adventure. It was really interesting. Malas nak buat comparison. Rasa sangat tidak adil. The white 'cats' looked so healthy unlike...aahh.. malas nak cakap.

We hopped-onto the zoo car and moved around very comfortably. Seronok tengok budak-budak tu seronok. Kebetulan masa tu, ada marine show pulak. Walaupun we considered ourselves sampai early kat amphiteater tu, orang dah penuh yang amat. We had to actually sit kat tangga je but we had a nice view. Danisy was extremely excited watching the sea lion putting up the show.

Aduh laaa... Letih sungguh.

So the outdoor activity of the day habis di situ. We went back to the hotel, showered and had this marvellous dinner kat restaurant dia. FYI, Hyatt Singapore has a majority shareholder of one rich Islamic country in ASEAN, so the food is halal. Mak Lijah makan mee udang, nasi ayam, pohpiah while kakak had tandoori, Danisy had roti canai and Abang had almost everything, including satay. They even have teh-tarik. Pak Lijah pula 'attacked' the seafood. Risaulah pulak kut-kut kena attack dengan gout. Habislah program kita..

End of day one and here are some of the pics:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooo pi island hopping rupanya... boleh tak terangkan kenapa rimau dia nampak segar.. makanan dia banyak bitamin B ke?