Friday, December 21, 2007

Breaking News

It's finally here. The announcement was made through a third party. So how am I supposed to feel? Dissapointed? Confused? All in?

The news is that Putihah has finally decided to go back to Indonesia for good in August next year when her permit is due.

She said she was going to Johor to marry, yesterday. But the sms today said that she had forgotten her passport and that the ceremony will now be in Kajang at her adik's house. Previously she told Kak Ani that her Kakak lives in Kajang. And what has her passport got to do with the akad nikah? They all have KPT don't they?
What's new in her dongeng story?
(By the way, we are all in Santan since Wednesday.)

Anyway, we have to be prepared for her depature, next year. First I have to brain wash Kakak and Danisy about the situation. They have known Kak Putihah almost all their life. It would be strange for them I supposed, for the first few months. Then I would have to brain wash our new maid about the house chores not as to be that of Putihah's.

Now about this future maid-to-be. For the past two days, we've had two "part-time" maids who came to our house to help with the house chores. They worked like machines! No need to tell them what to do, they just clean-up the whole house like they've lived here forever. Now, that's the kind of maid I want to have. I'd probably use the agency in getting one next year. But how do I know if I'd get a good one? Macam beli loteri kan?

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