Monday, October 24, 2005

The Aftermath

Thank you for your support, Kak Tipah. Only mothers with "our kind of children" would understand.

Percayalah, bukannya Mak Lijah tak bersabar, in fact bulan puasa ni, Mak Lijah impressed with myself for being exra sabar. Bila meletup hari tu, maknanya suhu tu dah sampai paras maksimumlah.

Nevertheless, Kakak's mood and behaviour improved tremendously since that day. My not-sending-her-off-to-school that morning really affected her feelings.

"Kenapa Mama tak hug dan cakap bye-bye kat Kakak pagi tadi?"

Mama diam.

"Kakak nak nangis dalam van tadi."

Oh my God... What have I done? Guilty giler, tapi control macho. Mak Lijah pun hugged her and said not to throw things again and that she's not supposed to show anger and talked like that to her Mother or anyone at all.

Kakak pun mengangguk.

And since then, she seemed to be managing her anger quite well. Alhamdulillah. Dia dah tak marah kalau Mak Lijah remind her about brushing her teeth. Dia selalu gave in to Danisy and being so sisterly by combing his hair and pakaikan baju adiknya tu selepas mandi. I was so touched.

Itu, setakat hari ni lah. Esok, lusa... entahlah. Mak Lijah hanya mampu berdoa dan think positive sahaja.

All the best to me.

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